Sunday, July 3, 2011

Sunday: July 3rd

There was an article in the paper today about couponing.  I want you all to know that I am not an extreme couponer.  I don't have enough toothpaste to last a year, just in case of nuclear war.  First of all if that happens, I hope that I am the first to go, and second, if I'm left, I don't think I will be worrying about fresh breath:)  There is only 1 reason to coupon, and that is to free up necessity money, so that you can use it for fun things.  I coupon to help my children---they never have to buy toothpaste:)  And to support a favorite cause of mine.

The other thing I hear a lot, is "I just don't have time."  I hear you there, I have 3 jobs, and that's why the deals that I show are very easy to do.  Just think, if you only saved $10 a week---that would be enough for a weekend getaway.  Once you get into the hang of it, it gets much easier.

Today's recipe:  Cheddar Cheese Chuck Rolls-using ground chuck which is on sale at Price Cutter. 
1 lb. ground chuck/ 2 c. cheddar cheese/ 1/4 white onion/  2 cans crescent rolls
Brown ground chuck and onion-drain.  Mix cheese into meat.  Put 1T. meat & cheese mixture onto each roll.  Fold roll over-and place on ungreased cookie sheet.  Bake at 350 degrees for 6 min., or until rolls are a golden brown.

Go 4th and Save:)

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