Saturday, October 1, 2011

Preview Next Week's Deals: Saturday, October 1st

There are many sites that list preview deals for the upcoming week.

I like the best, but is also good.  The thing I always found frustrating was to get my hopes up to score a great deal, but then our papers wouldn't have the coupon needed.  That's the main reason I list the coupons in both the K.C. Star and the Springfield News Leader.

So check out the preview deals, and then check back here tomorrow for coupon listings, and you will know which bargains you can take advantage of.

Be sure and email me at your great money saving ideas.  It takes a village :)

Just a personal note here---I had minor leg surgery yesterday, and am laid up for a couple of days with an ace bandaged wrapped so tight around my calf, that it is making it hard to breathe :)  My attention span isn't long enough for TV, so I read----but for some reason, I like to have the TV on, with no sound.  Right now I have on the movie "Starsky and Hutch", starring Ben Stiller and the guy who was in the "Marley" movie (whose name escapes me right now).  Anyway---once in a while I look up, between chapters, just to see what's happening on the screen. 
This movie is so stupid, that I had to turn the channel.  Now when a movie is so stupid, that you can't stand to have it on, even when the sound is muted---that's pretty sad :)

Check back tomorrow for coupon listings.

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