Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Joke's On Me: Tuesday, February 28th, 2012

I went to school this morning, not feeling great, but doable.  So, my morning went pretty well.  Around noon, I started feeling worse.  It was really too late to get an afternoon sub, so I gritted my teeth, and pushed my way on through. (Aren't I a trooper:)
I finished the afternoon, canceled dinner plans with my daughter (which I never do, because between both of our work schedules it is really hard to get together0, and hit the bed, no later than 3:30 this afternoon.
I woke up at 6:35--thinking wow--I've slept about 15 hours.  I jumped out of bed and started my morning routine.  Shower, brush teeth, was face---I kept looking out wondering why it wasn't getting late--brushed my hair---by now, I'm starting to check my other clocks, because my alarm still hasn't gone off, and that's  when you realize you need more rest :) it is PM, not AM. 
 Tomorrow I will list this week's FREEBIES.  Thanks!

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