Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Save Like me :)

I have a talent.  I wish it was music or art, but it is a talent just the same.

I have a knack for finding good deals.  People are always amazed at the items that I get free or very, very cheap.  My daughter is constantly wanting to raid my "free" closet. :)

I am going to share my finds with you, along with recipes that use the sale ingredients found in our local grocery store ads.

I'll also let you know which stores I visit that have run out of their advertised items.  This hopefully will save you time and gas, as well as disappointment.

I'll also list what coupons are in the Sunday edition of the Springfield News Leader, and the Kansas City Star.  If you're like me, that's a big reason that I buy the paper.  I'm always bummed if there aren't any coupons that I will use.  On Sundays, check my list and then you can decide whether to purchase or not.

Check back each day to see what new deal I've found.

Looking forward to saving you money.

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