Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Pet Care Products FREE: Tuesday, November 15th, 2011

Sorry the post is so late tonight, but I was caught up in watching "Twilight" on TV.  I've got to admit it---I'm one of those people (I forget what they call them)----but believe me I never expected to be.
When "Twilight" first came out, several of my colleagues in their late 20's, early 30's, were talking about what great books these were.  My thought was, "What in the world about teen-age vampires could possibly interest me?"  I am an educated, 50 yr. old woman.
Then a 70 yr. old co-worker talked about how great the writer had created sensual, not sexual love scenes.  I was surprised that this woman had read the books, she was a voracious, but very persnickety reader, but still not enough to get me to pick one up.  Normally I am not a fiction reader.
But the "straw that broke the camel's back" so to speak was another co-worker who was 75 ,and said her 13 yr. old grandson had recommended the series to her and she loved it.  Okay--any writer who can write a book that interests 13-75 yr. olds, I've got to read.  And I did, and I was hooked.  I read all 4 in a matter of 2 weeks.

I told my "significant other", that was exactly what I wanted.  Someone who loved me so much, that he stayed up all night just to watch me sleep.  He replied, "How do you know I don't?".  I said, "Well for one thing you snore like a pig, so obviously you are not watching me with the adoration that I deserve."  :)

Now to the money saver tip for the day:  Visit the Facebook page of AKC Gold Pet Products.  You can print out a rebate form for up to $12.99.  Even if you don't have a pet, this would be a great donation to one of our local pet shelters.  Non-profit shelters are always in need of donations, and if you could make one that wouldn't cost you much more then a stamp, what a great deal!  It can be really easy to be generous, if you just take a few minutes of your time.


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