Saturday, November 5, 2011

It just takes a little :) Saturday, November 5th

Today is my late mother's birthday.  She died 28 years ago.  Without a doubt, it was the great tragedy of my life.  The thing I (and my brother) have regretted the most, is the fact that she never got to see our children.  Between the 2 of us, we have 4.

I talked with my sister-in-law today, and she was having a garage sale to help her oldest pay for a trip to Washington D.C.  The cost of the trip is over $1000, and my niece is only a few hundred away from her goal.  I was very impressed.

This made me think of teaching your children to use coupons.  Many women/men think they are simply too busy to find and use coupons.  Teach your children, or let them learn on their own----lots of websites available, and then let them keep the money that is saved, or offer to halve the savings with them.
This activity teaches children so many great things---math skills, research skills, and the satisfaction of earning something they really wanted.  Plus it is a skill that will benefit them for the rest of their lives.

Check back tomorrow for coupon listings from the Kansas City Star and the Springfield News Leader.

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